SCO VisionFS 1.13 Installation Guide

VisionFS 1.13 is included on this CD as vfs/visionfs.tar

Installing VisionFS

Follow these steps to install VisionFS on your SPARC Solaris system:

  1. Log in as root on the UNIX server.
  2. Change to the directory in which you copied the VisionFS tar file (the name of this file is shown above).

    For example, if you downloaded the file to /tmp, type:

    cd /tmp 
  3. Untar the file, by typing:
    tar xvf visionfs.tar 

    This creates a directory called vfs1.13-spso0503 containing all the extracted files. Change to that directory:

    cd vfs1.13-spso0503 
  4. Run VisionFS Setup to integrate VisionFS with your system. Type:
  5. Follow the instructions on your screen.

For more information about VisionFS Setup, look in the README file in the vfs1.13-spso0503 directory.

When you've installed VisionFS, check the README file in the VisionFS installation directory to find out how to get started, and for last-minute information and known problems. Please read it carefully.

The Latest News page might also contain some extra information.

You can download the "Introducing SCO VisionFS" book (1.2 Mbytes), in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Once VisionFS Setup has finished, you can remove the vfs1.13-spso0503 directory and the visionfs.tar file.

PC system requirements

To access a VisionFS server, PCs must use TCP/IP as their transport protocol.

  • For Windows 95 and NT, a TCP/IP protocol stack is provided with the operating system. .

If you're using an earlier version of VisionFS

Running VisionFS Setup will automatically update the earlier version and upgrade your profile, preserving your settings where possible.

You don't need to stop or uninstall the earlier version before running VisionFS Setup.